Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Here Are 3 Dental Procedures That Can Dramatically Improve the Appearance of Your Smile

Many people desire to get a dazzling red-carpet-ready smile. However, poor dietary choices, genetics and oral health conditions can cause you to suffer from tooth discoloration, misaligned teeth and other Cosmetic Dentistry concerns. Luckily, modern medicine has provided an opportunity for anyone to attain the picture-perfect smile that we see on magazine covers. Here are three dental procedures that can radically improve your smile:

Tooth Whitening

The colour of your teeth is largely determined by genetics as well as your dietary habits. If you have stained or discoloured teeth, tooth whitening is a simple procedure that will make a huge difference in your smile. Simply visit Matt Comforts DDS today to book an appointment. You definitely won’t be disappointed.

Dental Implants

This is a highly effective procedure that allows you to replace your missing teeth and thereby restore your smile within no time. Implants are specially designed to mimic the colour and feel of your natural teeth, hence you will be able to laugh, smile and chew without any problems. If you have recently suffered a tooth loss, be sure to consult your dentist about the possibility of getting an implant installed.

Porcelain Veneers

This is another procedure that provides an effective solution for unsightly teeth. Veneers are well-known for looking incredibly realistic and they are used to solve a variety of dental problems including damaged enamel, visible gaps between teeth, crooked teeth and even cracked teeth.